United Voice WA authorised to alter name to United Workers Union (WA)

The Commission in Court Session (CICS) has authorised the Registrar to alter the Rules of United Voice WA to allow the organisation to change its name to United Workers Union (WA). The CICS has also authorised the alteration of the name of its counterpart federal body from United Voice to United Workers Union.

The CICS considered the evidence provided by the Secretary of United Voice WA. The evidence recorded that the process undertaken by the organisation to make the alterations had been in accordance with the requirements of Rule 28 – ALTERATION OF RULES. The evidence was that no objections were made in regard to the proposed alterations and that the alterations were authorised by the Branch Council on 14 July 2020.

The CICS also noted that the Registrar received no objections to the application after it was published.

The CICS found that the requirements of the Rules for the alteration of those rules and requirements of the Act had been met.

The CICS has authorised the Registrar to make the name changes in accordance with the terms of the application.

The decision can be read here.