Bread rolled into the Transport Workers (General) Award

The Transport Workers Union applied to the Commission to vary the Transport Workers (General) Award to consolidate it with the Breadcarters (Metropolitan) Award and the Breadcarters (Country) Award. The Breadcarters Awards which cover employees working in bread and bakery product distribution, have historical origins linked to regulation contained in the now repealed Bread Act 1903. The applicant sought the consolidation in anticipation of the Commission’s Own Motion review of the scope of the General Award in CICS 20 of 2022, and so that the Breadcarters Awards could then be cancelled.

The Baking Industry Employers Association of Western Australia Inc did not oppose the variations the applicant sought. No one else opposed the variations.

Senior Commissioner Cosentino granted the application amending the General Award, on the basis that the Senior Commissioner considered it was appropriate that the terms and conditions of employment of transport worked engaged in the distribution of bread have conditions aligned with transport workers generally. The variations include savings provisions to ensure any more favourable entitlements under the Breadcarters Awards are preserved.

The Decision can be read here.