Electrical Trades Union WA -v- CAI Fences, DBS Fencing, Woodford Gatemakers Pty Ltd

Document Type: Order

Matter Number: APPL 68/2013

Matter Description: Gate, Fence and Frames Manufacturing Award

Industry: Manufacturing Industry

Jurisdiction: Single Commissioner

Member/Magistrate name: Commissioner S M Mayman

Delivery Date: 3 Feb 2014

Result: Award varied

Citation: 2014 WAIRC 00065

WAIG Reference: 94 WAIG 92

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2014 WAIRC 00065


Result Award varied


HAVING heard Ms Ireland for Electrical Trades Union WA, as applicant and no appearance for CAI Fences and others; the Commission, pursuant to the powers conferred under the Industrial Relations Act 1979, hereby orders:

THAT the Gate, Fence and Frames Manufacturing Award be varied in accordance with the following schedule and that such variations shall have effect from the beginning of the first pay period on or after the 3rd day of February 2014.


1. Clause 7. - Overtime: Delete paragraph (f) of subclause (3) and insert in lieu thereof the following:

(f) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (h) of this subclause, an employee required to work overtime for more than two hours, shall be supplied with a meal by the employer or be paid $11.60 for a meal and, if owing to the amount of overtime worked, a second or subsequent meal is required the employee shall be supplied with such meal by the employer or paid $8.00 for each meal so required.

2. Clause 14. - Special Rates and Provisions: Delete subclauses (1), (2) and (4) of this clause and insert in lieu thereof the following:

(1) Dirt Money: An employee shall be paid an allowance of 56 cents per hour when engaged on work of an unusually dirty nature where clothes are necessarily unduly soiled or damaged or boots are unduly damaged by the nature of the work done.

(2) Confined Space: An employee shall be paid an allowance of 70 cents per hour when, because of the dimensions of the compartment or space in which the employee is working, the employee is required to work in a stooped or otherwise cramped position or without proper ventilation.

(4) An employee, holding a Third Year First Aid Medallion of the St. John Ambulance Association appointed by the employer to perform first aid duties, shall be paid $11.50 per week in addition to the ordinary rate.

3. Clause 19. - Fares & Travelling Time: Delete paragraphs (a) of subclause (2) and insert in lieu thereof the following:

(a) On places within a radius of 50 kilometres from the General Post Office, Perth - $17.00 per day.

4. Clause 20. – Distant Work: Delete subclauses (6) and (7) and insert in lieu thereof the following:

(6) An employee to whom the provisions of subclause (1) of this clause apply shall be paid an allowance of $32.90 for any week-end the employee returns to the employee's home from the job, but only if -

(a) The employee advises the employer or the employer's agent of the employee's intention not later than the Tuesday immediately preceding the week-end in which the employee so returns;

(b) The employee is not required for work during that week-end;

(c) The employee returns to the job on the first working day following the week-end; and

(d) The employer does not provide, or offer to provide, suitable transport

(7) Where an employee, supplied with board and lodging by the employer, is required to live more than 800 metres from the job the employee shall be provided with suitable transport to and from that job or be paid an allowance of $14.45 per day, provided that where the time actually spent in travelling either to or from the job exceeds 20 minutes, that excess travelling time shall be paid for at ordinary rates, whether or not suitable transport is supplied by the employer.

5. First Schedule - Wages: Delete subclauses (2) and (6) of this clause and insert in lieu thereof the following:

(2) Leading Hand: In addition to the appropriate rate prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause, a leading hand shall be paid:

(a) If placed in charge of not less than three and not more than 10 30.20
other employees

(b) If placed in charge of more than 10 and not more than 20 other 46.40

(c) If placed in charge of more than 20 other employees 59.80

(6) (a) Where an employer does not provide a tradesperson or an apprentice with the tools ordinarily required by that tradesperson or apprentice in the performance of their work as a tradesperson or as an apprentice, the employer shall pay a tool allowance of -

(i) $16.80 per week to such tradesperson, or

(ii) In the case of an apprentice a percentage of $16.80 being the percentage which appears against the year of apprenticeship in subclause (a) of subclause (3) of this Schedule.

For the purpose of such tradesperson or apprentice supplying and maintaining tools ordinarily required in the performance of their work as a tradesperson or apprentice.

(b) Any tool allowance paid pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subclause shall be included in, and form part of, the ordinary weekly wage prescribed in this schedule.

(c) An employer shall provide for the use of tradespersons or apprentices all necessary power tools, special purpose tools and precision measuring instruments.

(d) A tradesperson or apprentice shall replace or pay for any tools supplied by the employer, if lost through their negligence.

Electrical Trades Union WA -v- CAI Fences, DBS Fencing, Woodford Gatemakers Pty Ltd

application to VARy Gate, Fence and Frames Manufacturing Award



PARTIES Electrical Trades Union WA



CAI Fences and others


CORAM Commissioner S M Mayman

DATE monday, 3 february 2014




Result Award varied


Applicant Ms N Ireland and with her Ms B Ward


Respondent No appearance




HAVING heard Ms Ireland for Electrical Trades Union WA, as applicant and no appearance for CAI Fences and others; the Commission, pursuant to the powers conferred under the Industrial Relations Act 1979, hereby orders:


THAT the Gate, Fence and Frames Manufacturing Award be varied in accordance with the following schedule and that such variations shall have effect from the beginning of the first pay period on or after the 3rd day of February 2014.






Commissioner S M Mayman



1. Clause 7. - Overtime: Delete paragraph (f) of subclause (3) and insert in lieu thereof the following:


 (f) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (h) of this subclause, an employee required to work overtime for more than two hours, shall be supplied with a meal by the employer or be paid $11.60 for a meal and, if owing to the amount of overtime worked, a second or subsequent meal is required the employee shall be supplied with such meal by the employer or paid $8.00 for each meal so required.



2. Clause 14. - Special Rates and Provisions:  Delete subclauses (1), (2) and (4) of this clause and insert in lieu thereof the following:


(1) Dirt Money:  An employee shall be paid an allowance of 56 cents per hour when engaged on work of an unusually dirty nature where clothes are necessarily unduly soiled or damaged or boots are unduly damaged by the nature of the work done.


(2) Confined Space:  An employee shall be paid an allowance of 70 cents per hour when, because of the dimensions of the compartment or space in which the employee is working, the employee is required to work in a stooped or otherwise cramped position or without proper ventilation.


(4) An employee, holding a Third Year First Aid Medallion of the St. John Ambulance Association appointed by the employer to perform first aid duties, shall be paid $11.50 per week in addition to the ordinary rate.



3. Clause 19. - Fares & Travelling Time:  Delete paragraphs (a) of subclause (2) and insert in lieu thereof the following:


 (a) On places within a radius of 50 kilometres from the General Post Office, Perth - $17.00 per day.



4. Clause 20. – Distant Work:  Delete subclauses (6) and (7) and insert in lieu thereof the following:


(6) An employee to whom the provisions of subclause (1) of this clause apply shall be paid an allowance of $32.90 for any week-end the employee returns to the employee's home from the job, but only if -


 (a) The employee advises the employer or the employer's agent of the employee's intention not later than the Tuesday immediately preceding the week-end in which the employee so returns;


 (b) The employee is not required for work during that week-end;


 (c) The employee returns to the job on the first working day following the week-end; and


 (d) The employer does not provide, or offer to provide, suitable transport


(7) Where an employee, supplied with board and lodging by the employer, is required to live more than 800 metres from the job the employee shall be provided with suitable transport to and from that job or be paid an allowance of $14.45 per day, provided that where the time actually spent in travelling either to or from the job exceeds 20 minutes, that excess travelling time shall be paid for at ordinary rates, whether or not suitable transport is supplied by the employer.



5. First Schedule - Wages:   Delete subclauses (2) and (6) of this clause and insert in lieu thereof the following:


(2) Leading Hand:  In addition to the appropriate rate prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause, a leading hand shall be paid:



 (a) If placed in charge of not less than three and not more than 10 30.20

  other employees  


 (b) If placed in charge of more than 10 and not more than 20 other 46.40



 (c) If placed  in charge of more than 20 other employees  59.80


(6) (a) Where an employer does not provide a tradesperson or an apprentice with the tools ordinarily required by that tradesperson or apprentice in the performance of their work as a tradesperson or as an apprentice, the employer shall pay a tool allowance of -


  (i) $16.80 per week to such tradesperson, or


  (ii) In the case of an apprentice a percentage of $16.80 being the percentage which appears against the year of apprenticeship in subclause (a) of subclause (3) of this Schedule.


  For the purpose of such tradesperson or apprentice supplying and maintaining tools ordinarily required in the performance of their work as a tradesperson or apprentice.


 (b) Any tool allowance paid pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subclause shall be included in, and form part of, the ordinary weekly wage prescribed in this schedule.


 (c) An employer shall provide for the use of tradespersons or apprentices all necessary power tools, special purpose tools and precision measuring instruments.


 (d) A tradesperson or apprentice shall replace or pay for any tools supplied by the employer, if lost through their negligence.