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Work Health and Safety Tribunal

The Work Health and Safety Tribunal (the Tribunal) is established under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) and is constituted by a Commissioner of the Industrial Relations Commission. The Tribunal assists in the resolution of certain workplace health and safety matters.

Parties can apply for matters to be heard by the Tribunal in relation to work health and safety at Western Australian workplaces under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA).

Please note that matters that may be heard by the Tribunal are not 'industrial matters' as described in section 7 of the Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA).

Determining eligibility

The Tribunal deals with certain matters under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA).

A range of persons may apply for matters to be heard by the Tribunal. This includes:

  • persons conducting a business or undertaking;
  • employees;
  • independent contractors;
  • outworkers;
  • apprentices or trainees;
  • students;
  • volunteers;
  • unions;
  • workplace health and safety representatives;
  • members of workplace health and safety committees; and
  • the regulator.

It is recommended that you try to find out under which section of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) you may apply to the Tribunal.

Submitting an application

Critical information
  • You can make an application to the Tribunal by completing a Form 6 – Application to the Work Health and Safety Tribunal and lodging it in person, online, by email or post.
  • There is no fee for filing the form.
  • The form can be completed by the person making the application (the applicant), an industrial agent, representative or solicitor.
  • The form requires you to identify, where possible, under which section of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) the application relates to.
What happens after I lodge Form 6?

After you have submitted your Form 6, the Commission’s Registry will:

  • check it to make sure that it contains all the required information;
  • if the form is complete, send a copy of it to you for your records; 
  • if the Tribunal directs so, to serve the parties with the copies of the form. You will then be contacted by the Tribunal to arrange to have your application dealt with.

Conciliation Conferences

A conciliation conference may be conducted by the Tribunal. This can help the parties resolve their work health and safety dispute. The purpose of the conciliation conference is to explore whether an agreement can be reached between the parties, not to decide who is right or wrong.

Conciliation is available in many, but not all, matters referred to the Tribunal (see clause 30 Schedule 1 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA)). Depending on the application that is made, it may proceed straight to a formal hearing, where the issue is determined by the Tribunal.

Conciliation conferences are private and are conducted on a 'without prejudice' basis. This means that what is discussed at a conciliation conference cannot be used against one of the parties if the matter is referred for a hearing. This allows the parties to explore possible settlement options without fear of the other side using any offers or concessions made at the conference, as an admission to various aspects of a claim.

The conference is not recorded, and no transcript is produced. Any visual or audio recording is strictly prohibited. An agreement may be reached during or after the conference. The parties have control over the outcome before the matter reaches the hearing stage. In contrast, if the matter goes to a hearing, the Tribunal will decide the outcome of the matter.

Possible outcomes of conciliation

  • An agreement may be reached during or after the conference.
  • If an agreement is not reached, the Tribunal may hold further conferences depending on the circumstances, or list the matter for a hearing.

For more information please read the Commission’s conciliation conference fact sheet by clicking here.

What is a hearing?

A hearing is where the Tribunal hears and determines the substance of the issues in dispute. Hearings are more formal than conciliation conferences. In addition, the process may involve a visit by the Tribunal to the workplace for an inspection.

Interlocutory or preliminary hearings

There may be issues that have to be determined by the Tribunal before the merits or substance of an application can be dealt with. These preliminary (or interlocutory) matters may relate to an issue with the applicant’s claim that needs to be resolved before the rest of the matter can proceed, such as an application for production of documents or whether the Tribunal has jurisdiction to deal with the application.

There may be one or more interlocutory hearings before the substantive hearing, to deal with preliminary or procedural issues.

A directions hearing is similar to a preliminary hearing.  It is where the Tribunal will set out how the matter will progress. This can include setting out a timeline for when things ought to occur, such as the production of documents, or when things are to be filed with the Tribunal , such as outlines of submissions or witness statements.

Substantive hearing

A substantive hearing is where the Tribunal hears and determines the substance or merits of the issues in dispute and makes a decision.

For more information please read the Commission’s hearing fact sheet by clicking here.

For information on evidence, please read the Commission’s evidence fact sheet by clicking here.

For information on representation and representing yourself, please read the Commission’s representation fact sheet by clicking here.

Possible outcomes

The outcomes available at a hearing will depend on the application made. For example, in certain matters, compensation may be ordered by the Tribunal.

Latest News

Work Health and Safety Tribunal finds that refusal to receive a vaccination is not a refusal to work under Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984

The Work Health and Safety Tribunal has dismissed the claim of an education employee after determining that a direction to receive a vaccination did not constitute ‘work’, and that refusing to receive the vaccination did not constitute a refusal to work.


The applicant was employed at a primary school. In December 2021, the Chief Health Officer of Western Australia and Director General, Department of Education made directions and issued instructions respectively, regarding the vaccination requirements for education workers who were working in an education facility. The applicant refused to be vaccinated and did not seek an exemption, and did not work from 23 December 2021 until 10 June 2022, when the public health directions were lifted. The applicant applied to the Tribunal for pay and benefits for the period that he did not work.


The applicant contended that the direction to receive a vaccination constitutes ‘work’, and contended that a refusal to be vaccinated constitutes a refusal to work under s 26(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA) (‘OSH Act’).

The applicant believed the vaccination would expose him to a risk of imminent and serious injury or harm to his health, and that the direction to be vaccinated was not a reasonable and lawful order and complained that the respondent did not do a risk assessment of the COVID-19 vaccinations. 

The respondent contended that the applicant did not refuse to work, and instead was unable to access the school because of the operation of public health directions, and as such was unable to work. The respondent contended that refusal to be vaccinated does not amount to a refusal to work, and that the requirement to be vaccinated was a direction given in order to ensure the applicant complied with the CHO directions, and that the applicant could lawfully work.

The respondent indicated that from 4 January 2022, the applicant was stood down without pay, and not entitled to the benefits claimed.


The Tribunal noted that the remedies sought by the applicant were outside of the Tribunal’s powers, and that it was also not within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal to consider whether the respondent could have been more accommodating, in agreeing to alternative work arrangements.

The Tribunal found that that the condition to receive a vaccination was not ‘work’ for the purposes of s 26 of the OSH Act, and that the applicant’s refusal to be vaccinated was not a refusal to work, and that the application would be dismissed.

The Tribunal considered that even if the applicant’s absence from work was because the applicant believed that it would expose him to a risk of imminent and serious injury or harm to his health, that this belief was not based on reasonable grounds. The Tribunal noted the expert evidence accepted  in Falconer v Chief Health Officer (No 3) [2022] WASC 270, and the Chief Health Officer’s statements to the effect that COVID-19 vaccinations were safe and effective; were an important measure in reducing the spread of COVID-19; and vaccination was necessary to protect workers and the community. In coming to this conclusion, the Tribunal further noted the TGA approval of the vaccination and the decision of a WorkSafeWA investigator, determining that no further investigation was required in response to a report by the applicant.

The Tribunal further noted that the applicant would have been unable to lawfully perform his work during that period because of the directions of the CHO and CEO of the school, and would not have been entitled to pay and other benefits during the claim period. The Tribunal dismissed the application.

The decision can be read here.

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Work Health and Safety Tribunal dismisses application of engineer excluded from workplace due to vaccination status

The Work Health and Safety Tribunal has dismissed an Engineer's application under s 26(1) for want of jurisdiction, finding that she did not refuse to work due to risk of serious injury, but that she was instead  excluded from the workplace after a failure to provide proof of vaccination. 


The applicant was employed as an Engineering Associate. After public health directions were issued by the Chief Health Officer requiring construction industry workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter building and construction sites, the applicant’s employer required affected employees to provide evidence of vaccination or an exemption by 31 December 2021.

The applicant refused to be vaccinated and did not provide evidence of an exemption, and did not work from 6 January to 25 March 2022. The applicant was dismissed from her employment.


The applicant contended that she refused to work under s 26(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA) (‘OSH Act’). The applicant believed that vaccination would expose her to a risk of imminent and serious injury or harm to her health, and that the direction to be vaccinated was not a reasonable, and lawful order and complained that the respondent did not do a risk assessment of the COVID-19 vaccinations.

The respondent contended the Tribunal did not have jurisdiction to deal with the matters referred by the applicant or the power to make the declarations and orders she sought. The respondent contended that the applicant did not refuse to work, rather, she was excluded from the workplace because of the Chief Health Officer’s directions as she was unable to work, and therefore was not entitled to the pay and benefits she claimed.

The respondent added that because the applicant also had an appeal before the Public Service Appeal Board in relation to the same matters, the Tribunal should dismiss the current application.


The Tribunal noted that the key question in dispute was whether the direction of the employer was a reasonable and lawful order, and that this was outside the Tribunal’s jurisdiction.

The Tribunal noted that most of the remedies sought by the applicant were outside the power of the Tribunal, in an application brought under s 28. The Tribunal noted that it did not have the power to:

  • make a declaration about the obligation of the respondent to comply with the safety and health legislation;
  • investigate alleged breaches of the OSH Act or refer those to the regulator for prosecution;
  • determine whether the respondent was required to do a risk assessment, or to direct the respondent to do a risk assessment; or
  • make an order for damages.

The Tribunal noted that while one of the applicant’s remedies was within the power of the Tribunal, that the matter should be dismissed as the applicant’s claim had no merit or prospect of success. The Tribunal found that the operative reason for the applicant’s absence from the workplace was because Main Roads excluded her from the workplace, and not because she refused to work. The Tribunal dismissed the application. 

The decision can be read here.

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Work Health and Safety Tribunal affirms WorkSafe decision not to grant a demolition license

The Work Health and Safety Tribunal has affirmed a decision not to grant a demolition license after determining that it could not be satisfied that the applicant could undertake the work in a safe and proper manner.


The applicant undertook demolition work. The respondent, the WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner, decided not to reissue a class 2 demolition license to the applicant due to insufficient class 2 demolition work experience. The applicant applied to the Tribunal to quash the respondent’s decision not to reissue.


The applicant contended that the Tribunal ought to grant a license as he was able to undertake class 2 work in a safe and proper manner as shown by his work and WorkSafe audits, and that the Tribunal should consider non class 2 experience. The applicant contended that the Tribunal should not exclude class 2 jobs that contravened the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 (WA) (‘OSH Regulations’) as the adverse consequences of denying a license was disproportionate to the breach.

The respondent contended that the requirement to be able to undertake demolition work in a ‘safe and proper manner’ should be understood to mean lawfully and in accordance with the OSH Regulations. The respondent contended that the applicant recurrently carried out unlawful work, and that breaches of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA) (‘OSH Act’) and the OSH Regulations were relevant.


The Tribunal noted that that it must have regard to s 26(1) of the Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA) (‘IR Act), and when reviewing an OSH Act matter referred to it, must act according to equity, good conscience and the substantial merits of the case without regard to technicalities or legal form. The Tribunal noted it was not bound by the rules of evidence, may inform itself as it thinks just, and must consider the interests of the persons immediately concerned whether directly affected or not and, where appropriate, the interests of the community as a whole. The Tribunal noted further that it must apply the legal provisions setting out the conditions a person must satisfy to be licensed to undertake a task or activity regulated for reasons of safety.

The Tribunal found that the applicant was notified, and ought to have taken note, that undertaking class 2 work following his license expiry breached the OSH Regulations, and that the applicant agreed that asbestos removal constituted demolition work or at least was a part of it. The Tribunal found that the applicant had contravened his license by engaging others who were not trained in safe demolition by a Registered Training Organisation. The Tribunal found it could not assess non class 2 work experience as the evidence given was general and not supported by specific jobs, referees, or experts.

The Tribunal found it was not satisfied that the applicant could undertake class 2 work in a safe and proper manner, and that the applicant’s individual interest in maintaining a license must be subordinate to the public interest in ensuring public safety. The Tribunal affirmed WorkSafe’s decision.

The decision can be read here.

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View all Work Safety and Health Tribunal news

Frequently asked questions

Yes. The applicants may request the Tribunal to consider using the provisions of s 27(1)(j) of the Industrial Relations Act 1979 to join multiple applications relating to the same claim.

Employer organisations and/or unions may refer a claim by acting as the agent of the applicant, pursuant to the provisions outlined in s 31(1)(b) of the Industrial Relations Act 1979. Where the organisation (employer organisation or union) is acting as an agent, applications may be signed by the agent on the applicant’s behalf. Warrant(s) signed by the applicant(s) will need to be filed using Form 11 – Notification of Representative Commencing or Ceasing to Act. For more information about unions and registered organisations check their page here.


The forms to be used in proceedings before the Tribunal can be found in our Applications and forms page.

The Tribunal is located at the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Level 17, 111 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. For more information see the Contact us page. 

The Tribunal may also hear matters, subject to the availability of the parties, in country towns and regional locations.

The Commission is committed to ensuring its information, facilities and services are accessible to all members of the Western Australian community. For more information on accessibility, please visit our Access and inclusion page.

If you no longer wish to pursue your application, you should discontinue your claim by filing a Form 1A – Multipurpose Form.

It highly depends on each individual case and is not fixed. There will be many factors which will affect the length of the process, including whether the application proceeds to hearing, whether any interlocutory hearings are necessary and the complexity of the matter.

Parties may be represented by another person or they may represent themselves. Parties can be represented by an industrial agent, union or employer association, lawyer, or a relative or friend. Except where the representative is a lawyer, the party being represented must file a Form 11 – Notification of Representative Commencing or Ceasing to Act to confirm that another person is representing them.

There are generally no costs associated with your application unless you purchase transcript of the proceedings or summon a witness for hearing. Each party pays their own costs in relation to preparation of their case. This includes legal costs if you decide to engage a lawyer or paid agent to represent you.

A party has similar rights of appeal to parties dissatisfied with a decision of the Commission and may appeal to the Full Bench of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission. For more information, see Appeals to the Full Bench.

Yes. By request, the Tribunal may consider whether to grant an individual or organisation leave to intervene pursuant to the provisions of s 27(1)(k) of the Industrial Relations Act 1979.

No. The only health and safety claims able to be referred to the Tribunal are specified under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020.