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Notice of Hearing to rescind Location Allowance General Order 2 of 2023 and issue a new General Order

NOTICE is given that the Commission in Court Session will hear matter CICS 2 of 2024 on Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 2:00 PM (AWST).

This is an application on the Commission's own motion to rescind Location Allowance General Order 2 of 2023 and issue a new Location Allowance General Order pursuant to section 50 of the Industrial Relations Act 1979.

The full Notice can be read here.

Public Service Appeal Board finds unvaccinated engineer was lawfully dismissed

The Public Service Appeal Board has upheld the dismissal of an engineering associate, finding that the respondent lawfully dismissed the appellant due to her refusal to comply with a direction to be vaccinated against COVID‑19 and to provide evidence of her vaccination status.

The respondent contended that the appellant’s duties included both office-based tasks and onsite construction work, necessitating vaccination under the Building and Construction Industry Worker (Restrictions on Access) Directions (No 2).

The appellant, whose job occasionally required site visits contended that the dismissal was premature as the role did not necessitate immediate site visits, therefore the vaccination direction did not apply to her role. 

The Appeal Board found that the directive was reasonable, lawful, and necessary for complying with public health mandates and operational needs because the appellant’s role inherently required flexibility to visit sites as needed.  The Appeal Board found that the appellant was given adequate notice and opportunity to comply with the vaccination policy.

The appeal was dismissed. 

The decision can be read here.



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